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Melissa Sanchez Herrera and I are organizing a Sys-EB Section symposium for the 2019 EntSoc meeting in St. Louis, MO.
The symposium is entitled:
Bugs in Technicolor: How Color Research Advocates for Entomology
The reflection and emission of light from insect surfaces has both fascinated and inspired entomologists and the general public for centuries. The goal for our symposium is to provide a setting in which to discuss color research and its use in public outreach initiatives that aim to inspire insect curiosity and advocate for entomology. We have talks that will be given by entomologists from different continents / countries working on diverse, ingenuitive projects that incorporate insect coloration components including production, structures, perception and selection.
In addition to these talks, we intend to have an electronic exhibit of images, illustrations, and videos that fulfill these criteria and we are thus seeking submissions for this endeavor.
If you are interested in including an image please fill out the form below and upload your image / video!

Below you will find a list of artists, photographers, and scientists along with short bios, representative images, and website links (click on their names) that participated in our Bugs in Technicolor Symposium at the 2019 Entomological Society of America Conference in St. Louis, Missouri by submitting illustrations and/or photographs.

The Taylor Lab’s research focuses on communication, sensory exploitation, and predator psychology of spiders, wasps, and other colorful but understudied arthropod groups.
They are also interested in the intersections between art and science and are always excited about forming new collaborations with artists, particularly with the goal of using art as a medium to explore the scientific process as well as the beauty and complexity of the natural world. Click here to get a copy of a FREE printable PDF of adorable spider coloring books!

Kelly is a Manchester based artist and science communicator who is focused on creating artworks that embody scientific concepts in an accessible, aesthetically pleasing manner. She works in collaboration with researchers all over the world to create interdisciplinary projects which are used to communicate science to the public and inspire people to get involved in STEM.
Twitter: @TheLabArtist
Instagram: Kellystanfordart
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