Melissa Sanchez Herrera and I are organizing a Sys-EB Section symposium for the 2019 EntSoc meeting in St. Louis, MO.
The symposium is entitled:
Bugs in Technicolor: How Color Research Advocates for Entomology
The reflection and emission of light from insect surfaces has both fascinated and inspired entomologists and the general public for centuries. The goal for our symposium is to provide a setting in which to discuss color research and its use in public outreach initiatives that aim to inspire insect curiosity and advocate for entomology. We have talks that will be given by entomologists from different continents / countries working on diverse, ingenuitive projects that incorporate insect coloration components including production, structures, perception and selection.
In addition to these talks, we intend to have an electronic exhibit of images, illustrations, and videos that fulfill these criteria and we are thus seeking submissions for this endeavor.
If you are interested in including an image please fill out the form below and upload your image / video!

So many kids are at home right now - all over the world - as a result of the Covid-19 virus. I wanted to do something. I wanted to find a small way to help and I'm not a medical doctor or nurse or economist, so I couldn't help with any of the most serious problems, but I am an educator, an artist, and a huge advocate of SciComm, so what I've come up with is CoBioArt! CoBioArt is going to be a place for biologists, artists, doodlers, or anyone else who wants to help kids learn about biology through art. It gets its name by the contraction of "Coronavirus, Biology, and Art," and although it has been designed in response to Covid-19 - I plan on making it a permanent fixture on my site. I will be posting what amount to 'coloring book' images or interactive activities for kids of different ages (and maybe a few adults!) to color and my hope is that they will learn a few biology tidbits while having a bit of fun.
So - how can you participate? I want your images! If you have anything that might teach some biology to kids - I want to include it. All you need to do is CLICK HERE to upload an image (or PDF or .doc) to my site and I'll post it below, along with the images I will be creating myself. I don't want to stifle creativity, so I'll just tell you they should be interactive and should (hopefully) keep some kiddos busy and learning! If you have any particular requests for content, please contact me and I'll do my best.
Help support CoBioArt!
Although CoBioArt is free to use for all it still takes time to generate the images and I would very much appreciate any small donation you can manage to my CoBioArt project.
Here are links to a few more absolutely awesome coloring activities.
Make sure to check them out too!!
Incredible Arthropods Free Coloring Pages
How to Draw All Kinds of Bugs
The Naturalist's Sketchbook Coloring Pages