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Launching Cobioart......
Many kids are at home because of Covid-19. I wanted to do something to help, so I've created CoBioArt - a place for anyone who wants to help kids learn about biology through art. Click here to download images and click here to submit your own!
Frog predation
Video Uploads!
After several requests, I have finally gotten around to uploading a few of my research videos to the website. Click to see some of the videos of Argia apicalis mating and during predation trials.
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Bugs in Technicolor
Our symposium--Bugs in Technicolor--at EntSoc2019 was amazing! Thank you to all of our speakers for the effort they put into their wonderful talks and all the artists / photographers who submitted almost 200 awesome images! I will be posting more about which images won awards, but until then - please browse through the list of artists whose work was submitted!
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Melissa Sanchez Herrera and I are organizing a section symposium for the 2019 EntSoc meeting:
Bugs in Technicolor: How Color Research Advocates for Entomology
The goal is to provide a setting in which to discuss color research and its use in public outreach initiatives that aim to inspire insect curiosity and advocate for entomology.  In addition to talks on color and outreach, the symposium will also feature a short media exhibit in which we will display research and outreach images / video that relate to our theme. Click for the schedule!
Dipturus batis - AWhispell.jpg




The Friends of Lincolnshire Time and Tide Bell is an affiliation of supporters and artists forming a Community Arts Group.  #200Fish was an art project organized by Time and Tide Bell whose objective is to raise awareness of the biodiversity of the North Sea.  


Time and Tide Bell invited a large number of artists to select one of the fish species and produce a painting, sculpture or other art-work therefrom to be displayed as part of #200Fish. Since the major exhibition of some 200 works at the new North Sea Observatory, they have taken the exhibition on tour to other venues, sold some works, and created a book to document the project.


Dipturus batis,  my submission 

Vigo Supports Science!
The #bestVigothecat is a staunch supporter of STEM fields and wanted to show support for science during the 2017 March for Science.  It was only in spirit, but it is a strong spirit!
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